Survey of Teenagers and the New Information Technology - Introduction 

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The Associazione Ticinese Elaborazione Dati, working with the statistics and research offices of the Canton Ticino, carried out a study during the first half of 1998 on the use of computers and Internet among the young with the intention of gathering information on the cultural impact of information technology on them.

This survey involved a range of young people between 13 and 19 years of age, utilizing a form with some 40 questions to gather data on the use of the computer in school, at work and at home. A sample representation of 1,500 young people of school age was taken (middle, high and professional schools), taking account of the geographical distribution within the canton.

The results show how and in what way the young people of today make use of computers and their attitudes towards a technological dimension which is always more present in daily life.

The survey did not intend to identify any sociological motivations to explain the published data. It is simply a statistical document. For this reason no reference is made to any theories, and cultural concepts which should form the basis of sociological research have been put aside.

Developed by BOSS LAB - February 1999

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